
Temperatures during May in Taipei range from highs of 29°C (84°F) in the daytime to around 22°C (71°F) in the evening, and it is plum rain season. Delegates are advised to prepare accordingly.


English is the most commonly used foreign language. Please be advised that drivers of public transport vehicles may speak only Mandarin Chinese or Taiwanese.

Tax, Service Fees and Tips

Sales tax is usually included in published prices. An additional 10% service charge may be added to bills in hotels and restaurants. Tipping is not customary in Taiwan. Receipts are issued as proof of purchase upon payment.


Travel insurance is not included in the congress registration fees. Foreigners are highly recommended to purchase their preferred appropriate travel insurance following completion of congress registration, prior to arrival in Taiwan.


Taiwan operates on an electric current of 110 volts at 60 cycles. Appliances from Europe, Australia, or South-East Asia will require an adaptor or transformer to be used. It’s worth noting that many buildings in Taiwan have sockets with 220 volts, primarily for the purpose of powering air conditioners.


The official currency of Taiwan is the New Taiwan Dollar (NTD), which is available in the following denominations:
Coins: NTD 1, NTD 5, NTD 10, NTD 50
Notes: $100, $200, $500, $1000

Shops in Taiwan do not accept traveler’s cheques. Visitors holding traveler’s cheques can opt to have them converted into NTD denominations at any local bank.


Operating hours are weekdays (Monday to Friday), from 9:30 to 15:30. ATM (Automated Teller machine) may be found throughout Taipei.

The current USD to NTD exchange rate is approximately $1 to $30. This may be subject to change over the next few months.

Foreign currencies can be exchanged at kiosks in any of the following establishments. Be advised to bring your passport for verification.

  • Airport
  • Bank
  • Government-authorized restaurants or department stores

Credit Cards

Major credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, JCB, UnionPay, etc.) are accepted in most shops, hotels, and restaurants.