A: Please register for a Regular Registration by 15 Feb, 2024 (AoE).
A: Please register for either a Workshop Only pass or a Regular Registration.
A: If you need to register for research papers (i.e., your registration will include research papers), please complete a Regular Registration.
If you need to register for workshop papers (i.e., your registration will include workshop papers), please complete either a Workshop Only pass or a Regular Registration.
If you don’t require paper registration (i.e., your registration will not include papers), you have the option of choosing between Student Registration or Workshop Only Pass, based on your preference.
A: A single Regular Registration/ Workshop Only Pass includes one paper. For each subsequent paper, the fee is NTD 23,000 for one research paper and NTD 7,000 for one workshop paper. You can handle it within one registration.
A: PAKDD 2024 is planned as an in-person conference, and papers cannot be presented virtually. Only in the event of a visa denial can you submit a recording of your presentation and do a real-time live Q&A. Kindly contact us at research@pakdd2024.org as early as possible if you are unable to present in person.
Please be aware that registration is required for every accepted paper, regardless of whether the author attends in person.
A: You will need to provide accurate visa information at registration and allow up to two weeks for a Visa Support letter. For visa applications, please visit : https://pakdd2024.org/visa-information/
A: Yes. Regular Registration includes access to all the sessions including workshops and tutorials as well as research tracks.
A: Attendees registering for Regular or Student Registration can purchase one extra ticket for social events. Participants holding extra tickets cannot attend any sessions except for the reception, excursion or banquet.
A: Registration by April 7, 2024 (AoE) must be completed online; credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, or JCB) are accepted.
A: You will receive a receipt after the completion of payment. If you do not receive it within two weeks of your registration, please contact the PAKDD 2024 secretariat at secretariat.reg@pakdd2024.org.
A: If your registration does not include any accepted paper, you may obtain a full refund by submitting proof of denial to secretariat.reg@pakdd2024.org. An early request for a refund is advised.